The patch for Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5.5 for Windows is available at:
Archive for September, 2011
Security fixes:
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Functional fixes:
[-] ch_admin_passwd can’t stop unlimited mysqld
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] XSS injection in “Location” HTTP header
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Functional fixes:
[-] ch_admin_passwd can’t stop unlimited mysqld
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] XSS injection in “Location” HTTP header
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] XSS injection on backup creation page
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Security fixes:
[-] HTTPOnly flag added for the session cookie
Support of Kaspersky Antivirus version 8 for Parallels Plesk Panel 8.6.0 for Linux is released
Please, check for more details.
The following issues were fixed:
[-] (Linux only) Unable to send mail messages to if Qmail mail server used
[-] (Linux only) Watchdog fails with segfault on checking Courier-IMAP status
[-] (Windows only) Backup file is not transferred to the FTP repository by timeout
The following issues were fixed:
[-] (Linux only) Unable to send mail messages to if Qmail mail server used
[-] (Linux only) Watchdog fails with segfault on checking Courier-IMAP status
[-] (Windows only) Backup file is not transferred to the FTP repository by timeout
Support of Kaspersky Antivirus version 8 for Parallels Plesk Panel 8.6.0 for Windows is released
Please, check for more details.
This tool for checking business logic issues and other possible problems before upgrade. You can find more details in article
Following check point was added:
– checking for unsupported Simple DNS server.
Next issues have been fixed:
[+] (Only for Unix) The Apache web server with the SNI support is now available for CloudLinux 5.
[+] (Only for Unix) When Panel is installed from the EZ template for CentOS 5, it is possible to set it up to use PHP 5.3 instead of PHP 5.1.
[-] The link to view what’s new in available upgrades on the Administrator’s dashboard opened the release notes for the current product version instead of opening the release notes for the new version.
[-] The pre10-backup-convert utility failed to convert a backup from Plesk 9.5.4 with the error "The called template 'createIpElement' was not found.
" if the backup contained domain names that were not associated with physical hosting.
[-] Customers failed to log in to webmail under an internationalized domain name.
[-] After executing the update-hostname utility, administrators were unable to access Business Manager because Panel redirected them to the URL like
[-] Administrators failed to open the Accounts Receivable Ageing report with the error: "Access to this action is restricted. Please update your admin group to allow access to this action
[-] Administrators failed to add customer accounts to Business Manager with the error: "Failed to add customer account 'New Customer' ( Language not found: language_iso2=zh
[-] Panel users failed to upload SSL certificate files with the error "SSLCertificate::check_signs() failed: openssl_x509_checkpurpose() failed
[-] (Only for Unix) Administrators failed to edit firewall rules in Panel with the error "Error: Could not activate firewall configuration
[-] (Only for Unix) Panel installations failed with the error: "Starting httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd: symbol lookup error: /usr/sbin/httpd: undefined symbol: apr_pool_pre_cleanup_register [FAILED]
[-] (Only for Unix) Panel installations from the 10.3.1 EZ template with the PHP 5 support failed with the error "No Match for argument: php-sqlite2
[-] (Only for Windows) Options of the assignment and placement policy (in the IIS application pool settings) were actualized.
[-] (Only for Unix) Customers could remove a system directory on a domain (for example, etc/ or bin/) by creating a subdomain which name matched one of the system names (for example, or
[-] (Only for Unix) Panel displayed an outdated instruction about how to retrieve a forgotten password for Panel administrators.
[-] (Only for Unix) Restoration of a domain content failed with the error "Permission denied
" and a part of directories were not restored.
[-] (Only for Unix) Panel data migration failed with the error "launchpad error (Error code = 1)
" if administrators specified the SSH port in the 32768-65535 range.
[-] (Only for Unix) Backup tasks scheduled by resellers did not run.
[-] (Only for Unix) Panel data migration failed with errors if a migrated domain name or a mailbox name contained uppercase characters.
[-] (Only for Unix) Mailing lists were not migrated from 9.x to 10.x versions if the default locale language on a source server was other than English. The migration error in dump.log was as follows: "INFO Unable to found Mailman installation
[-] (Only for Windows) After the upgrading Panel from 9.5 to 10 and then migrating subdomains to a different Panel, Administrators received the following error: Execution of "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskbinsubdomain.exe" --create subdomainname -domain -www-root subdomainssubdomainnamehttpdocs -maintenance-mode false failed with return code 1.
[-] (Only for Windows) After upgrade from the 10.2 version, msvcr71.dll
and msvcp71.dll
libraries were removed from the system which caused various errors in SpamAssassin, Perl, Python and PHP scripts.
[-] (Only for Windows) A message with instructions about how to change the Panel administrator’s password in case when Panel is integrated with Business Manager contained a broken link to documentation.
[-] (Only for Windows) Panel opened the blank IP Addresses Management page after migration in case one of the registered IP addresses did not match the format.
[-] Apache HTTP Server CVE-2011-3192 Denial Of Service vulnerability has been fixed in admin’s apache server
[-] Fixed problem with wrong display of images in a text widget (Text widget) in Parallels WebPresence when you use Internet Explorer 8
[-] Fixed problem with display of sites made in Parallels WebPresence 10.2 version after an upgrade to 10.3.x version.
Coming SOON
[-] Apache HTTP Server CVE-2011-3192 Denial Of Service vulnerability has been fixed in admin’s apache server
[-] Apache HTTP Server CVE-2011-3192 Denial Of Service vulnerability has been fixed in Apache with SNI support package.
[-] SQL injection vulnerability has been fixed.
[-] SQL injection vulnerability has been fixed.
[-] SQL injection vulnerability has been fixed.
[-] SQL injection vulnerability has been fixed.