[-]  (Linux only) Customers failed to log in to their webmail accounts if they used an internationalized domain name for the mail server.
[-]  (Linux only) Panel corrupted Apache configuration files if a server had more than 300 assigned IP addresses. Administrators received the following error in Server Administration Panel: “New files of configuration for Apache web server were not built due to errors in configuration templates. The detailed error message was e-mailed to you, so please check the e-mail, fix the errors, and click here to retry generating configuration.”.
[-]  (Linux only) When administrators created a subscription in the suspended state and then activated it using a certain API call, the mail server still considered that domains under the subscription were disabled.
[-]  (Linux only) Customers failed to perform website copying in Control Panel as it hung up with the status message “Copying the website example.com to example2.com. You will be notified of the progress by e-mail ([email protected])”.
[-]  (Linux only) The user experience of working with phpMyAdmin is improved by removing a warning about the difference between the PHP MySQL library version and the MySQL server version.
[-]  (Linux only) Administrators failed to reconfigure Apache using the command “/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all” if one of sites had a custom vhost.conf file that was removed.
[-]  (Windows only) Administrators failed to back up reseller accounts using the command-line call with the error “Unrecognized option: '-from-file'”.
[-]  (Windows only) The following confusing message accidentally shown in phpMyAdmin to Panel users was removed “Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.90 differs from your MySQL server version 5.1.50. This may cause unpredictable behaviour. This message can be safely ignored. The reason that the library cannot be upgraded with the server is that, in Enterprise Linux, everything is compiled around the old library. Upgrading the library would break a number of programs compiled against it so, for compatibility's sake, it must remain as the one provided by the vendor directly. If you REALLY need the latest libraries you can recompile php from the SRPMS.”.
[-]  (Windows only) Some symbols in the German locale (like “o” or “?”) were displayed incorrectly in the Panel GUI.
[-]  (Windows only) Panel failed to propagate some tasks with complex schedule to the system scheduler. Such tasks were successfully created by administrators in Server Administration Panel but the Windows event log contained the error “The task XML contains too many nodes of the same type.”.
[-]  (Windows only) Customers failed to upload files in File Manager after the upgrade from Panel 10.1.1 with the error “Unable to upload C:fakepathfilename.doc to //httpdocs/C:fakepathfilename.doc: Improper value.”.
[-]  (Windows only) Panel failed to perform its daily maintenance routines after upgrade with various errors related to SpamAssassin and Perl.