[-] On PPA installations integrated with PBAS, subscription provisioning failed if the required locale was not supported by PPA.
[-] License keys were not updated and statistics were not recalculated if the “Run daily maintenance script” task was canceled in Task Manager.
[-] Resource usage reporting stopped working after the allowed number of databases was exceeded on a subscription.
[-] In the Brazilian Portuguese locale, question marks were displayed instead of diacritic symbols.
[-] After migration from Plesk, APS applications that are not in the Application Catalog were no longer manageable through Panel.
[-] The migration tool failed to output a migration report if it contained en error message with national symbols.
[-] After setting up DNS forwarding for domains migrated from Plesk, they became irresolvable.
[-] During migration from Plesk, domains on dedicated IP addresses could not be migrated.
[-] Migration of subscriptions with wildcard subdomains from Plesk to PPA rendered the DNS service inoperable.