More than a week after we reported deceptive search engine ads being used in Bitcoin wallet attacks, fraudsters are still using Bing ads to trick Blockchain users into visiting phishing sites — but this time, the ads are using some crude social engineering ploys. Searching for “blockchain” on currently displays the following pair of phishing ads […]
Archive for July 2nd, 2014
Rank Performance Graph OS Outagehh:mm:ss FailedReq% DNS […]
(Jun 27) Security Report Summary
(Jun 27) Several security issues were fixed in the kernel.
(Jun 27) Several security issues were fixed in the kernel.
The following issues have been resolved:
[-] (Linux) Administrators could not back up server settings if external webmail was registered in Plesk. (PPP-10629)
[-] (Linux) Users could not install Plesk using One-Click Installer. (PPP-10624)
[-] (Linux) Watchdog could not start Fail2Ban on Debian/Ubuntu operating systems. (PPP-10610)
[-] (Linux) Scheduled backup could fail with the “File exists” error. (PPP-10601)
[-] The OK and Cancel buttons were not shown when users tried to create a domain in Power User view while DNS service was switched off. (PPPM-1742)
[-] (Linux) Operations on domains with stopped BIND service could corrupt Plesk database on SuSE Linux 13.1. (PPP-10594)
[-] (Linux) On CentOS 5, customers could not send email messages via Roundcube webmail if outgoing mail control was switched on. (PPP-10593)
[-] Plesk database became inconsistent after users created a domain via API RPC by using protocol version and earlier. (PPP-10582)
[-] (Linux) After upgrading Plesk, users could not log in to it. The following error occurred: “Internal error: Permission denied”. (PPP-10574)
[-] Administrators could not reconfigure the Manage Domain Names button in Tools & Settings > External Services. (PPPM-1734)
[-] (Linux) Files owned by Apache could not be backed up by the pleskbackup command-line tool. (PPP-10543)
[-] (Linux) Roundcube could not connect to the database on Plesk installations cloned with the option “-prepare-public-image”. (PPP-10539)
[-] (Linux) Plesk upgrade via old versionless templates (psa-kav8 depends: psa-kav8-multiarch) failed on Ubuntu 12.04. (PPP-10516)
[-] Search and sorting of applications by category did not work in the applications catalog. (PPPM-1728)
[-] (Linux) On Ubuntu 14.04 with enabled Watchdog, MySQL service failed to start after a server was restarted. (PPP-10488)
[-] (Linux) On 32-bit Ubuntu 14.04, administrators could not use Plesk health monitor. The following error occurred: “This RRD was created on another architecture”. (PPP-10486)
[-] (Linux) Even if greylisting was switched off for a domain, it remained switched on for a domain alias. (PPP-10465, PPPM-759)
[-] (Linux) After migrating from Plesk 11.0 to Plesk 12, mailing list administrators received a notification with a wrong password. (PPP-10375, PPPM-1691)
[-] Resellers could not set up web hosting for domains if they were not granted the “Common PHP settings management” permission. (PPPM-794)
[-] (Windows) Scheduled backup could fail with the “File exists” error. (PPP-10601)
[-] (Windows) Microsoft SQL Server database tables with varchar/nvarchar/varbinary(MAX) columns could not be migrated from Plesk 8.6. (PPPM-1744)
[-] (Windows) The reconfigurator utility crashed while repairing the security settings of virtual hosts. (PPP-10592)
[-] (Windows) Users could not create sites with Presence Builder if only PHP 5.5 was installed on the server. (PPP-10489)
[-] (Windows) License keys on Plesk for Windows had the Fail2Ban component switched on, although ModSecurity and Fail2Ban are not available on Plesk for Windows installations. (PPPM-1721)