Registered on Thursday the 8th of Sep, 2011

Posts by Ike ¬

  1. Apr 10, 2014Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5.30 MU#41
    Apr 10, 2014Joomla! 3.3 Beta 2 Released
    Apr 10, 2014OpenSSL Vulnerability – Heartbleed Bug
    Apr 9, 2014Debian: 2897-1: tomcat7: Summary
    Apr 9, 2014Ubuntu: 2164-1: OpenSSH vulnerability
    Apr 9, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0380-01: flash-plugin: Critical Advisory
    Apr 9, 2014Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5.30 MU#40
    Apr 9, 2014Debian: 2896-2: openssl: Summary
    Apr 8, 2014Debian: 2896-1: openssl: Summary
    Apr 8, 2014Ubuntu: 2165-1: OpenSSL vulnerabilities
    Apr 8, 2014Ubuntu: 2124-2: OpenJDK 6 regression
    Apr 8, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0376-01: openssl: Important Advisory
    Apr 8, 2014WordPress 3.9 Release Candidate
    Apr 8, 2014WordPress 3.8.2 Security Release
    Apr 8, 2014Half a million widely trusted websites vulnerable to Heartbleed bug
    Apr 8, 2014EasyApache 3.24.15 Released
    Apr 8, 2014Parallels Plesk Automation 11.5 MU#4
    Apr 8, 2014Thousands of websites still hosted on Windows XP
    Apr 8, 2014Debian: 2895-1: prosody: Summary
    Apr 7, 2014Debian: 2894-1: openssh: Summary
    Apr 7, 2014Ubuntu: 2162-1: file vulnerability
    Apr 7, 2014Ubuntu: 2163-1: PHP vulnerability
    Apr 7, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0355-01: ruby193-libyaml: Important Advisory
    Apr 7, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0364-01: ruby193-libyaml: Important Advisory
    Apr 6, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0365-01: python-django-horizon: Moderate Advisory
    Apr 6, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0366-01: openstack-nova: Moderate Advisory
    Apr 5, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0367-01: openstack-swift: Moderate Advisory
    Apr 5, 2014Red Hat: 2014:0368-01: openstack-keystone: Moderate Advisory
    Apr 4, 2014Debian: 2891-3: mediawiki, mediawiki-extensions: Summary
    Apr 4, 2014Ubuntu: 2159-1: NSS vulnerability