The inaugural stop on our WebPros NEXT tour took place March 1st, 2023, in beautiful Sãu Paulo, Brazil. WebPros NEXT events are half to full-day events where select members of the WebPros executive team can meet face to face with partners, customers, and industry leaders, designed to provide a unique opportunity for education, networking, and so much more. Our LATAM event was packed full of knowledge sharing, including workshops on MarketConnect and WHMCS, as well …
Watch this ‘live product demo’ recording with release squad members Anne McCarthy and Rich Tabor as they share exciting enhancements anticipated for the WordPress 6.2 release.
The pressure to update applications due to ever-faster successive updates tempts many a user to become careless and quickly click on an “Update” button. Often this works well, but sometimes unfortunately not. One wrong click – and the website is down or e-mails are lost forever. Therefore it is advisable to always have an up-to-date backup. But who thinks about regular backups? Fortunately, Plesk makes it easy, because every Plesk comes with a built-in backup manager that allows you to create backups manually or automatically on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. Once set up, for example, weekly full…
February has been an exciting month for the WordPress community, with the celebration of the first-ever WordCamp Asia bringing friends and contributors back together in person. But that’s not all; read on for the latest project updates.
Join WordPress enthusiasts from across the globe on May 27, 2023, as they come together to celebrate its 20th anniversary! Regardless of how you use WordPress or where you call home, you are invited to celebrate this great milestone. Plan a larger party that includes your entire meetup, spend the day coworking with a group of friends, or hang out virtually online.
WordPress 6.2 Beta 1 is here and ready for download and testing. This version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on production or mission-critical websites. Instead, it is recommended that you test Beta 1 on a test server and site.
Welcome to the first 2023 edition of The Month in WordPress! January kicked off with an overview of WordPress’ big goals for 2023 and new projects beginning to take shape. Moreover, work on the next major release, WordPress 6.2, continues with Beta 1 scheduled for next week. Read on for the latest news. WordPress 6.2 […]
Last month at State of the Word, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy shared some opening thoughts on “Why WordPress” and the Four Freedoms of open source. In this recent letter, she expands on her vision for the WordPress open source project as it prepares for the third phase of Gutenberg: “We are now, as […]
Ready-to-go phishing kits make it quick and easy for novice criminals to deploy new phishing sites and receive stolen credentials.
Phishing kits are typically ZIP files containing web pages, PHP scripts and images that convincingly impersonate genuine websites. Coupled with simple configuration files that make it easy to choose where stolen credentials are sent, criminals can upload and install a phishing site with relatively little technical knowledge. In most cases, the credentials stolen by these phishing sites are automatically emailed directly to the criminals who deploy the kits.
However, the criminals who originally authored these kits often include extra code that surreptitiously emails a copy of the stolen credentials to them. This allows a kit’s author to receive huge amounts of stolen credentials while other criminals are effectively deploying the kit on their behalf. This undesirable functionality is often hidden by obfuscating the kit’s source code, or by cleverly disguising the nefarious code to look benign. Some kits even hide code inside image files, where it is very unlikely to be noticed by any of the criminals who deploy the kits.
Netcraft has analysed thousands of phishing kits in detail and identified the most common techniques phishing kit authors use to ensure that they also receive a copy of any stolen credentials via email.
The Motivation Behind Creating Deceptive Phishing Kits
When a phishing kit is deployed, the resultant phishing site will convincingly impersonate a financial institution or other target in order to coax victims into submitting passwords, credit card numbers, addresses, or other credentials. These details will occasionally be logged on the server, but more often than not, are emailed directly to the criminals who install these phishing kits.
Directory structure of an Amazon phishing kit contained in a ZIP file archive.
WordPress enthusiasts tuned in last week for the State of the Word address to celebrate the project’s yearly accomplishments and explore what 2023 holds. But that’s not the only exciting update from the past month. New proposals and ideas are already emerging with an eye on the year ahead—let’s dive into them! Highlights from State […]
WordPress belongs to all of us, but really we’re taking care of it for the next generation.” Matt Mullenweg A small audience of WordPress contributors, developers, and extenders gathered on December 15 for the annual State of the Word keynote from WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg. Those who could not join in person joined via livestream […]
On November 16th, we gathered in beautiful Singapore along with our partners in the Asia-Pacific region to network and strategize about all things WebPros. After two years of cancelled, or otherwise virtual, events it was a significant (and welcomed) change to be able to once again actually meet in person. With a special thanks to our sponsors, we were able to come together with a focus on helping our partners grow and scale their businesses …
With the end of the year fast approaching, the WordPress project has not slowed down. Read on to learn more about the latest major release, WordPress 6.1, and the State of the Word 2022 live event, among other exciting news.
Join the WordPress project leaders for State of the Word 2022 in New York City on December 15, 2022. Also live-streamed on social media, you will hear about the WordPress project, open source, and more in this annual event.
WordPress 6.1.1 is now available for download. This maintenance release features several updates since the release of WordPress 6.1 on 01 November 2022. You can review a summary of the key changes in this release by visiting
This post was written in collaboration with Lauren Stein (@laurlittle) and Anne McCarthy @annezazu). Twenty Twenty-Three is here, alongside WordPress 6.1! The new default theme offers a clean, blank canvas bundled with a collection of style variations. Style variations are predefined design options that give you the opportunity to alter the appearance of your site […]