[-] (Only for Linux) The Kaspersky Antivirus service displayed the running status to Administrators independently of its actual state.
[-] (Only for Linux) Administrators failed to migrate data from one Panel 10.3.1 to another Panel 10.3.1 with the error that the migration from 10.3.1 is not supported.
[-] (Only for Linux) Administrators failed to configure the firewall in Panel with the error “/opt/psa/var/modules/firewall/ failed: ip6tables v1.4.4: invalid mask ” specified” in case the Panel server did not have the IPv6 environment.
[-] The interface language was not immediately changed at the login page.
[-] (Only for Linux) When administrators attempted to turn off the oversell policy for a reseller subscription they received an error about incompatible limit for Mobile Sites.
[-] Customers could see the IPv6 address selector even if the IPv6 environment was not set up on the server.
[-] Customers failed to install a web application (f.e., Drupal or Magento) with the errors similar to “PHP Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /usr/local/psa/var/apspackages/<application file>” in /var/sw-cp-server/error_log.
[-] (Only for Windows) Administrators failed to back up a subscription with the error “Unable to dump filesharing permission for user” if it conteined an auxiliary user account that did not have the file sharing permission.
[-] (Only for Linux) A Panel upgrade failed with the error “ERROR while trying to establish test connection to APS database via ODBC” if the MySQL database server did not have the networking support or the support was restricted.
Customer & Business Manager
[*] (Only for Windows) The extended Assist support. The new version of Assist (a payment gateway plug-in for the Russian market) now supports the latest version of the Assist API.
[-] (Only for Windows) Administrators could not set an online store to work only with a single off-site payment gateway. The system displayed the error: “Online store must have at least one enabled payment method”.
[-] (Only for Windows) After upgrading Panel to 10.3, administrators failed to open Business Manager from Panel with the error “You have exceeded the number of customer accounts you can have in the system. Please upgrade your license. The license key is invalid. In order to use the Customer & Business Manager, please obtain and install a new valid license key. Contact Parallels sales representatives to obtain the proper license key.”.
[-] (Only for Windows) Administrators could exceed the limit of customer accounts and block all actions in Business Manager when they used the Add to Business Manager feature. When blocked, Business Manager displayed the following error: “You have exceeded the number of customer accounts you can have in the system. Please upgrade your license.”.