Most Reliable Hosting Company Sites in June 2013
Rank Performance Graph OS Outagehh:mm:ss FailedReq% DNS […]
Rank Performance Graph OS Outagehh:mm:ss FailedReq% DNS […]
WordPress 3.5.2 is now available. This is the second maintenance release of 3.5, fixing 12 bugs. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. The WordPress security team resolved seven security issues, and this release also contains some additional security hardening. The security fixes included: […]
The Malaysian government’s Police Portal (Johor Contingent) is currently hosting a phishing attack against PayPal on its secure website (Site Report). Phishing sites using SSL certificates can piggyback on the trust instilled by browser indicators, such as the padlock icon, to trick potential victims into revealing sensitive information such as their username and password. […]
Rank Performance Graph OS Outagehh:mm:ss FailedReq% DNS […]
It’s been ten years since we started this thing, and what a long way we’ve come. From a discussion between myself and Mike Little about forking our favorite blogging software, to powering 18% of the web. It’s been a crazy, exciting, journey, and one that won’t stop any time soon. At ten years, it’s fun […]
(May 29) Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the chromium web browser. Multiple use-after-free, out-of-bounds read, memory safety, and cross-site scripting issues were discovered and corrected. [More…]
Certificate revocation is intended to convey a complete withdrawal of trust in an SSL certificate and thereby protect the people using a site against fraud, eavesdropping, and theft. However, some contemporary browsers handle certificate revocation so carelessly that the most frequent users of a site and even its administrators can continue using an revoked certificate […]
WordPress 3.6 Beta 3 is now available! This is software still in development and we really don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 3.6, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the beta here (zip). Beta […]
Company site
Total 1
0.267 2
Windows Server 2008
0.454 3
0.142 4
Server Intellect
Windows Server 2008
0.464 5
0.338 6
Qube Managed Services
0.093 7
0.143 8
Hyve Managed Hosting
0.151 9
0.049 10
Pair Networks
0.486 See full table Swishmail had the most reliable hosting company site in April 2013, with no failed requests. Swishmail has a presence in three New York data centres which proved to be resilient when Swishmail stayed online in October whilst being hit by Hurricane Sandy, […]
WordPress 3.6 Beta 2 is now available! This is software still in development and we really don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 3.6, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the beta here (zip). The […]
(Mar 28) Several cross-site-scripting and denial of service vulnerabilities were discovered in Ruby on Rails, a Ruby framework for web application development. [More…]
(Mar 20) A cross-site scripting vulnerability was discovered in smokeping, a latency logging and graphing system. Input passed to the “displaymode” parameter was not properly sanitized. An attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user’s browser session in [More…]
(Dec 27) Multiple security issues have been found in Mahara – an electronic portfolio, weblog, and resume builder -, which can result in cross-site scripting, clickjacking or arbitrary file execution. [More…]
(Nov 15) Several vulnerabilities were discovered in TYPO3, a content management system. This update addresses cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and information disclosure vulnerabilities and corresponds to TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005. [More…]
Ya ever have pingdom or some other monitoring site tell you your site is down? Then you ask your host about it, and they say that the site has been online the whole time? Your hosts are probably telling you […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
WordPress can be a bit finicky at times. I use quite a few different little tricks that I have picked up to help fix some very common problems with wordpress. Do you have any cools tricks that might make someones […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The following bug has been fixed:
[-] “Default domain” for IP address can’t be changed from one domain to another.
[-] Database copying process hangs after lost connection with MySQL.
[-] Migration fails if site application already exists on destination server.
[-] httpdmng –reconfigure-all fails with error “MySQL server has gone away”.
[-] Not valid XML breaks site application restoring.
[-] There is unable to browse default domain on IP address because of wrong nginx configuration.
[-] vhosts_bootstrap.conf is misconfigured after stop/start nginx service.
[-] Conflict resolving process fails when migration alot of plesk entities with error “MySQL server has gone away”.
[-] “Default domain” for IP address can’t be changed from one domain to another (104647)
[-] Conflict resolving process fails when migration alot of plesk entities with error “MySQL server has gone away” (112291, 115718)
[-] Not valid XML breaks site application restoring
[-] Migration fails if site application already exists on destination server
(Sep 7) Emanuel Bronshtein discovered that Mahara, an electronic portfolio, weblog, and resume builder, contains multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities due to missing sanitization and insufficient encoding of user-supplied data. [More…]
(Aug 30) It was discovered that otrs2, a ticket request system, contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability when email messages are viewed using Internet Explorer. This update also improves the HTML security filter to detect tag nesting. [More…]
(Aug 29) It was discovered that rtfm, the Request Tracker FAQ Manager, contains multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in the topic administration page. [More…]
(Aug 6) Emilio Pinna discovered a cross site scripting vulnerability in the spellchecker.php page of FCKeditor, a popular html/text editor for the web. For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in [More…]
(Jul 12) Marcus Meissner discovered that the web server included in Mono performed insufficient sanitising of requests, resulting in cross-site scripting. For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in [More…]
(Dec 9) Two security issues are found on activepack shipped on Fedora 10. One bug is
that there is a weakness in the strip_tags function in ruby on rails (bug
542786, CVE-2009-4214). Another one is a possibility to circumvent protection
against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks (bug 544329). This new rpm
will fix these issues.
(Jul 12) John Leitch has discovered a vulnerability in eXtplorer, a very feature rich web server file manager, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site request forgery attacks. [More…]
I see a lot of sites get hacked a ton of different ways. This is a topic, that could go on for days. There are 3 major ways, that sites get hacked bad passwords, insecure permissions, out of date software. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
At cPanel Conference 2011, cPanel announced the upcoming launch of Attracta SEO tool features within cPanel & WHM. cPanel and Attracta have launched a special site ( ) dedicated to partners wishing to gain full access to the upcoming…
On Monday, March 12, 2012, cPanel will travel to Austin, Texas and join a number of Partners, industry friends, and hosting guru’s at this year’s South by Southwest 2012 (SxSW) conference. cPanel & WHM powers some of the largest and most…
[+] Helm migration agent has been updated.
The following bugs have been fixed:
[-] Migration via API-RPC fails with PHP fatal error: Class ‘Db_Table_Broker_ServiceNode’ not found in /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Db/Table/Broker.php on line 42
[-] Unable to migrate site with unicode domain name with error "The element ‘domain’ has multiply elements ‘mailsystem’"
[-] Scheduled backup fails on suspending domain with "Bad session type."
[-] Switched off autoresponder is migrated to switched on auto-reply
Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5.2 is available for downloads and installation through Autoinstaller since 7th May.
Unix-specific change log:
1. [-] Migrating Java applications fails bug is fixed.
2. [-] In some cases after upgrade, the old version of Horde remains registered in Plesk when actually Horde was successfully upgraded bug is fixed.
3. [-] Impossible to change mail account password from Horde webmail interface bug is fixed.
4. [-] After upgrade, Horde stops accepting short usernames (without the “@doman” part) bug is fixed.
5. [-] After upgrade, Horde Kronolith calendar works with errors and fails to create events bug is fixed.
6. [-] After upgrade, mobile browsers return the Not Found error when trying to access Horde webmail bug is fixed.
7. [-] Browser returns error when trying to access an Address Book on Horde webmail after upgrade bug is fixed.
8. [-] When migrating to CentOS 5 under Parallels Virtuozzo Containers, Migration Manager returns “internal server error” upon migration of some mail accounts, while the accounts seem to be migrated properly bug is fixed.
9. [-] Migration Manager reports that dump validation failed due to invalid value of the “enabled” attribute of mail redirects for some mail accounts where mail redirection is set up but disabled bug is fixed.
10. [-] When upgrading from Plesk versions earlier than 8.6, serial number of DNS zone was set to “0” bug is fixed.
11. [-] After migration from Plesk versions earlier than 8.6, site applications are not shown in the Panel if the APS package release on target host differs from that on the source while the app version is the same bug is fixed.
12. [-] After upgrade, installation of site applications fails on domains where files/folders permissions were set to wrong values bug is fixed.
Windows-specific change log:
1. [-] On Windows Server 2008, PHP handler for a virtual directory is automatically set to CGI even if PHP is set to run as FastCGI module on the domain level bug is fixed.
2. [-] PHP handler is changed from FastCGI to CGI automatically upon any actions with Web Directories in Plesk bug is fixed.
3. [-] Migration Manager reports that dump validation failed due to invalid value of the “enabled” attribute of mail redirects for some mail accounts where mail redirection is set up but disabled bug is fixed.
62 queries. 8.75 mb Memory usage. 0.551 seconds.