The Joomla! project is proud to announce that our application has been accepted to be a mentoring organization for the 2012 Google Summer of Code™ program (GSoC). The GSoC helps support university level students who get the opportunity to work with mentors on a variety of coding projects that will all be contributed back to the student’s mentoring organization.
This year’s Joomla! GSoC application was led by Chad Windnagle (Primary Administrator), Andrea Tarr (Secondary Administrator), and Elin Waring. Key supporters and contributors to the application process include Michael Babker, Robert Deutz, Andrew Eddie, Louis Landry, Jacques Rentzke, and Matt Thomas.
After learning of Joomla!’s acceptance into GSoC, Chad had this to say:
I’m really proud of the community effort that got put forth to be successfully accepted into GSoC this year. When I first found out that we were working on the application, and we had a week to go, I was really worried we wouldn’t make it in time. A lot of really great people have put their heads together to make this opportunity possible, and the project can’t thank those folks enough.
We have gotten accepted into the Google program, but now the fun is just beginning. This is a major win, and now we have a whole summer to mentor students and run this program successfully. I hope when we reach the end of the summer we can all feel just as successful about Joomla!’s participation in GSoC as we do right now.
Those interested in serving as a mentor for a Joomla! 2012 GSoC student project may register here:
Here is the Frequently Asked Questions page for the 2012 GSoC: