Next Level Ops Podcast: Working with Self-hosting Email with Christian Mollekopf
The post Next Level Ops Podcast: Working with Self-hosting Email with Christian Mollekopf appeared first on Plesk.
The post Best Practices for Running Your Own Email Server appeared first on Plesk.
Here’s a comparison of the latest Plesk security extensions we released this year, protecting your sites from threats and available for your Plesk platform.
The post Secure a Plesk Hosted Email Account using SpamAssassin, ClamAV and Amavis appeared first on Plesk.
Last year, we shared “7 Ways We’ve Improved Email Hosting on cPanel & WHM” and we looked at some cool features for email accounts. After much improvement, we felt that Plus Addressing was an interesting enough feature to include as a blog post! So what is plus addressing? Known officially as subaddressing, plus addressing delivers mail in a particular way so that you can better organize incoming mail. Additionally, plus addressing is used as a method to …
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