Removal of PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 in EasyApache Profiles
on June 7, 2018
at 6:04 pm
Posted In: Apache, CMS, Community, cPanel, easyapache, EasyApache 4, EasyApache4, end of life php, Events, php eol, Products, Releases, security, System
The week of June 18th we will be removing PHP version 5.4 and 5.5 from all cPanel-provided EasyApache 4 profiles. To help users understand what to do, and how to react when that change occurs, we’ve put together a quick list of questions that we think will frequently be asked. What exactly will happen? The week of June 18th (likely on June 18th, but maybe June 19th), we will push an update for EasyApache 4 …