Following bugs have been fixed:
– Dr.Web blocks messages with ‘read error’ at email scanning.
Note, that after installation you can see some DrWeb related errors in logs. These errors will disappear after next antivirus bases update. You can ignore it or run update antivirus bases manually.
Posts Tagged Linux
Following bugs have been fixed:
– Dr.Web blocks messages with ‘read error’ at email scanning.
Note, that after installation you can see some DrWeb related errors in logs. These errors will disappear after next antivirus bases update. You can ignore it or run update antivirus bases manually.
Following bugs have been fixed:
– PHP module disabled after installation vps-optimized template to VPS
– Renaming of FTP user changes location of cgi-bin directory in domain’s config of HTTP server
– Wrong parsing of IMAP folders with spaces in their names during daily maintenance script execution
– ServerAlias directive disappears from domain’s HTTP server config after virtual host re-configuration
– Applications which that cannot be installed in Plesk hides from reseller’s service plans
– The vhost.conf files are not being backed up/restored using the pleskbackup and pleskrestore utilities
– psa-pc-remote crashed with segfault under highload
– /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics generates SQL error
– Subdomains can’t be restored because of domains limit in license
Plesk Service Team pleased to present you the KB article about full Parallels Plesk Panel uninstallation script for Linux.
Please share your script experience and opinion in corresponding thread on Parallels forum
Following bugs have been fixed:
– Problem with License management page after loading new license key in Power user mode.
– After upgrade to Plesk 10.4.4 Bind DNS server does not start due to duplicated CNAME and ? DNS records in domain zone.
– Can’t add IP address in Plesk with SmarterMail 8
– Can’t create a domain on IP ending with 0.
– Can’t create a new Web User in Plesk 10.4 via GUI.
– Domain name is displayed as @domain_name@ in custom error documents.
– ‘Forgot password’ does not work after upgrade to Plesk 10.4.4.
– License management page don’t displayed if default locale was changed on previous version.
– Scheduled backups don’t run after upgrade to 10.4.4.
– Subdomains missing from Control Panel after upgrading to Plesk 10.4.4.
– Utility does not work in Plesk 10.4.4 for Linux
– Wrong mailbox size is displayed if you login under subscription user
Following items have been improved:
– Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability
Following items have been improved:
[*] "Russian", "Dutch", "Japanese", "Chinese (China)", "Chinese (Taiwan)" locales have been updated.
[*] (Windows only) Has been improved diagnosis of backup/migrate errors when file ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll is absent.
[*] (Windows only) Has been improved diagnosis of backup/migrate errors when file mscorwks.dll is absent.
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Linux only) Added support of authorization method CRAM-MD5 for Courier-IMAP. Added possibility to disable PLAIN authorization method with command /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/pci_compliance_resolver –enable courier
[-] (Linux only) AWstats hangs during statistics calculation in daily maintenance script when you have more than 500 domains.
[-] /var/www/vhosts/skeleton.dom/conf/ directory has been ignored during new domains creation.
[-] (Windows only) Creation of domains and subdomains has been blocked if total amounts of domains and subdomains exceeds limit of Plesk license key.
[-] Glue records are not created in domain’s DNS zone for subdomain’s zone NS.
[-] Infinite redirection loop when you attempts to browse suspended subscription.
[-] (Windows only) DNS zones for new domains have not been created after upgrade to Parallels Plesk Panel 10.4.4.
[-] (Linux only) psa-pc-remote process overloads the CPU
[-] (Linux only) Sending emails from Apple mail clients (Mac/iPhone) doesn’t work for Qmail MTA.
[-] Serial number in the SOA record for the domain is not changed on subdomain creation.
[-] (Linux only) statistics_collector hangs forever trying to write "someuser: cannot find domain for user" to a pipe.
[-] (Linux only) Weekly maintenance script failed with exception from
Following items have been improved:
[*] "Russian", "Dutch", "Japanese", "Chinese (China)", "Chinese (Taiwan)" locales have been updated.
[*] (Windows only) Has been improved diagnosis of backup/migrate errors when file ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll is absent.
[*] (Windows only) Has been improved diagnosis of backup/migrate errors when file mscorwks.dll is absent.
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Linux only) Added support of authorization method CRAM-MD5 for Courier-IMAP. Added possibility to disable PLAIN authorization method with command /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/pci_compliance_resolver –enable courier
[-] (Linux only) AWstats hangs during statistics calculation in daily maintenance script when you have more than 500 domains.
[-] /var/www/vhosts/skeleton.dom/conf/ directory has been ignored during new domains creation.
[-] (Windows only) Creation of domains and subdomains has been blocked if total amounts of domains and subdomains exceeds limit of Plesk license key.
[-] Glue records are not created in domain’s DNS zone for subdomain’s zone NS.
[-] Infinite redirection loop when you attempts to browse suspended subscription.
[-] (Windows only) DNS zones for new domains have not been created after upgrade to Parallels Plesk Panel 10.4.4.
[-] (Linux only) psa-pc-remote process overloads the CPU
[-] (Linux only) Sending emails from Apple mail clients (Mac/iPhone) doesn’t work for Qmail MTA.
[-] Serial number in the SOA record for the domain is not changed on subdomain creation.
[-] (Linux only) statistics_collector hangs forever trying to write "someuser: cannot find domain for user" to a pipe.
[-] (Linux only) Weekly maintenance script failed with exception from
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Windows only) Security fix: ISC BIND 9 Recursive Queries Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
[-] (Linux only) Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability.
[-] Panel removes current key on cleanKeysHistory command from Key Administrator server
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Windows only) Security fix: ISC BIND 9 Recursive Queries Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
[-] (Linux only) Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability.
[-] Panel removes current key on cleanKeysHistory command from Key Administrator server
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Windows only) Security fix: ISC BIND 9 Recursive Queries Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
[-] (Linux only) Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Windows only) Security fix: ISC BIND 9 Recursive Queries Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
[-] (Linux only) Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Windows only) Security fix: ISC BIND 9 Recursive Queries Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
[-] (Linux only) Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability
Following bugs have been fixed:
[-] (Windows only) Security fix: ISC BIND 9 Recursive Queries Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
[-] (Linux only) Security fix: ProFTPD Response Pool Use-After-Free Vulnerability
The following bugs have been fixed:
[-] Daily maintenance script fails if Plesk Acronis Backup module is installed
[-] Backup to network share doesn’t work
[-] Errors during SiteBuilder site publishing if Plesk has been installed to /var/local
[-] WatchDog can’t start sw-cp-server service after failing
[-] Applications that can not be installed in Plesk have been hidden from the Application catalog
[-] If you try to set a password for mail account that contains the symbol “£” is an error with no clear message
The following bugs have been fixed:
[-] Possible security vulnerability due to insufficient validation of input parameters
[-] Bugfixes from the billing team for 10.4.4 MU#3
[-] No subdomains in Plesk GUI after upgrade
[-] Errors during SiteBuilder site publishing if Plesk has been installed to /var/local
[-] Error when managing a Java application on a subdomain
[-] Embedded Video blocks images in SiteBuilder Image Gallery
[-] Applications that can not be installed in Plesk have been hidden from the Application catalog
[-] Only featured apps from Infrastructure category showing on Server > Tools & Settings
[-] Not all the images have been migrated from SiteBuilder 4.5 site’s image gallery
[-] plesk_agent_manager.exe fails with unhandled exception if psarepository.dll was replaced to old version
[-] plesk_agent_manager.exe silently fails if psadumpschema.dll was replaced to old version
[-] Automatic user login of Plesk SugarCRM did not work
[-] If you try to set a password for mail account that contains the symbol "£" is an error with no clear message
[-] Parallels Plesk Panel removes the current license key during an upgrade license key.
[-] (Windows only) Microupdates will not be installed if Tomcat(JRE) has been installed before upgrade to Parallels Plesk Panel 10.x version.
[-] Search filter for applications does not work in Application Vault.
[-] Function ‘Make a Copy’ does not work for MySQL databases.
[-] Some words in Customer & Business Manager Store were not translated in Russian locale.
[-] (Windows only) During Parallels Plesk Panel operation Error 500 randomly occurs due to IIS application pool crash.
[-] (Windows only) Backup will be always failed when additional domain has mailing list.
[-] There is no able to set spam filter setting “Mark spam messages by adding the following text to message subject” empty, to don’t change subject of spam messages.
[-] (Linux only) Customers failed to log in to their webmail accounts if they used an internationalized domain name for the mail server.
[-] (Linux only) Panel corrupted Apache configuration files if a server had more than 300 assigned IP addresses. Administrators received the following error in Server Administration Panel: “New files of configuration for Apache web server were not built due to errors in configuration templates. The detailed error message was e-mailed to you, so please check the e-mail, fix the errors, and click here to retry generating configuration.
[-] (Linux only) When administrators created a subscription in the suspended state and then activated it using a certain API call, the mail server still considered that domains under the subscription were disabled.
[-] (Linux only) Customers failed to perform website copying in Control Panel as it hung up with the status message “Copying the website to You will be notified of the progress by e-mail ([email protected])
[-] (Linux only) The user experience of working with phpMyAdmin is improved by removing a warning about the difference between the PHP MySQL library version and the MySQL server version.
[-] (Linux only) Administrators failed to reconfigure Apache using the command “/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all
” if one of sites had a custom vhost.conf file that was removed.
[-] (Windows only) Administrators failed to back up reseller accounts using the command-line call with the error “Unrecognized option: '-from-file'
[-] (Windows only) The following confusing message accidentally shown in phpMyAdmin to Panel users was removed “Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.90 differs from your MySQL server version 5.1.50. This may cause unpredictable behaviour. This message can be safely ignored. The reason that the library cannot be upgraded with the server is that, in Enterprise Linux, everything is compiled around the old library. Upgrading the library would break a number of programs compiled against it so, for compatibility's sake, it must remain as the one provided by the vendor directly. If you REALLY need the latest libraries you can recompile php from the SRPMS.
[-] (Windows only) Some symbols in the German locale (like “o” or “?”) were displayed incorrectly in the Panel GUI.
[-] (Windows only) Panel failed to propagate some tasks with complex schedule to the system scheduler. Such tasks were successfully created by administrators in Server Administration Panel but the Windows event log contained the error “The task XML contains too many nodes of the same type.
[-] (Windows only) Customers failed to upload files in File Manager after the upgrade from Panel 10.1.1 with the error “Unable to upload C:fakepathfilename.doc to //httpdocs/C:fakepathfilename.doc: Improper value.
[-] (Windows only) Panel failed to perform its daily maintenance routines after upgrade with various errors related to SpamAssassin and Perl.
[-] (Linux) Unable to delete domain without DNS zone recorded in Plesk Panel database
[-] Virtual host directory is not getting removed during hosting type switch onto Standard Forwarding
[-] (Windows only) The backup of ASP controller database, AtMail and Horde webmail applications is not created during Plesk panel upgrade
Support of Kaspersky Antivirus version 8 for Parallels Plesk Panel 8.6.0 for Linux is released
Please, check for more details.
The following issues were fixed:
[-] (Linux only) Unable to send mail messages to if Qmail mail server used
[-] (Linux only) Watchdog fails with segfault on checking Courier-IMAP status
[-] (Windows only) Backup file is not transferred to the FTP repository by timeout
The following issues were fixed:
[-] (Linux only) Unable to send mail messages to if Qmail mail server used
[-] (Linux only) Watchdog fails with segfault on checking Courier-IMAP status
[-] (Windows only) Backup file is not transferred to the FTP repository by timeout
Next issues have been fixed:
[-] Replacing SSL CA certificate fails with an error
[-] Unable to access in phpmyadmin because an error “Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly”
Next issues have been fixed:
[*] Plesk Updates page changed to use autoinstaller’s native GUI.
[-] Apache configuration file is not updated when a client changes SSL certificate.
[-] Applications shows as belong to other domains are displayed in ‘Full Report’ of domain.
[-] Client is able to add DNS record to server DNS template.
[-] CNAME record in DNS template is ignoring at domain creating.
[-] SPF doesn’t check TXT record of sender’s domain if SPF record is absent.
[-] PHP fatal error on web users page is some different conditions.
Update autoinstaller to version 3.10.0 to avoid problems with upgrade from 9.5.4 with Billing to 10.2 or 10.3
Next components have been updated:
Parallels Panel 10.2.0 for Linux:
Apache with SNI support updated to version 2.2.19
mod_ssl updated to version 2.2.19
MySql 5.1 updated to version 5.1.58
Parallels Panel 10.3.0 for Linux:
Apache with SNI support updated to version 2.2.19
mod_ssl updated to version 2.2.19
MySql 5.1 updated to version 5.1.58
MySql 5.5 updated to version 5.5.14
Next vulnerabilities have been fixed:
PMASA-2011-5 Possible session manipulation in Swekey authentication
PMASA-2011-6 Possible code injection in setup script in case session variables are compromised
PMASA-2011-7 Regular expression quoting issue in Synchronize code
PMASA-2011-8 Possible directory traversal