In the July 2014 survey we received responses from 996,106,380 sites. Microsoft gained 22 million sites this month, helping to increase its market share by 1.18 percentage points. Combined with a 1.78 point loss in Apache’s market share, Microsoft is now the new market leader with a 37.5% share of all sites. In the early […]
Posts Tagged IIS
Thousands of websites are still hosted on Windows XP computers, despite the operating system reaching the end of its extended support period today.
In the April 2014 survey we received responses from 958,919,789 sites — 39 million more than last month.
Microsoft made the largest gain this month, with nearly 31 million additional sites boosting its market share by 1.9 percentage points.
IIS is now used by a third of the world’s websites. Although this is not Microsoft’s largest ever […]
What’s Changed
[+] Migration from Helm to Parallels Plesk Automation is now supported.
[*] The stability of the migration tool was improved. In case of network connection problems, operations are repeated several times.
[*] Error reporting in the migration tool was improved.
[*] Now Parallels Plesk Automation performs the proper translation of IP addresses during migration.
[*] Now instructions on attaching service nodes running Windows 2012 R2 are available in the Deployment Guide.
[*] The Integration Guide was updated with information about how to use the API for creating subscriptions with multiple webspaces.
[*] The Integration Guide was updated with information about how to manage DNS zones by means of the API.
[-] Updating of Parallels Plesk Automation could be blocked if users were logged in to it. The following error occurred: “[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/cache/ppa/uc_cache/tmpGJ_m8x'”.
[-] Instead of a PHP handler’s php.ini file, the system default php.ini file was used to generate a domain-level php.ini file. As a result, sometimes custom PHP for a domain did not work.
[-] After upgrading from Parallels Plesk Automation 11.1 to 11.5, web statistics stopped working on Apache nodes.
[-] Installation of Parallels Plesk Automation failed if the SELinux configuration file /selinux/enforce was empty or the SELinux utility failed to execute the command ‘/usr/sbin/setenforce’, ‘0’.
[-] Disabled DNS zones could become enabled after syncing settings between the Administration Panel with the Hosting Panel.
[-] The link to user documentation in the Administration Panel led to a wrong page.
[-] Users who used an email address as a username could not use the backup and restoration tools.
[-] Upgrade of Parallels Plesk Automation could fail if YUM was not installed or configured, or if repositories were not accessible.
[-] Upgrade of Parallels Plesk Automation could fail if the management node could not connect to service nodes.
[-] When customers changed or added DNS records by means of the API or the console utility /usr/local/psa/bin/dns, the domain zones were filled with duplicated entries.
[-] Administrators could not add more than 256 IP addresses. The following error occurred: “Internal error: Incorrect format of RTM_GETADDR request response.”
[-] Users could not change the IP addresses of the management node by means of the ppa.ip_address utility. The following error occurred: “APS resource for ‘/aps/2/application/dns-record-mx/f81a9762-6149-42fa-8689-4ac20fff61b1’ with id ‘4555’ hasn’t been deleted. Error code: 500.”
[-] Users could not view the web server access logs for add-on domains on Apache-based hosting.
[-] After suspending and unsuspending domains hosted on IIS, users could no longer manage files in File Manager. The following error occurred: “Internal error: Unable to logon user (<host name>sub6_83s): (1331) Logon failure: account currently disabled.
[-] Users could not transfer subscriptions that used Microsoft SQL Server databases to Parallels Plesk Automation.
[-] IIS-based subscriptions could not be completely removed. Some configuration files remained in the file system after removal.
[-] Administrators could not add service nodes when the root login on the nodes was disabled, and sudo was enabled for another user.
[-] Administrators could not log in to a customer’s Hosting Panel from Parallels Business Automation Standard. The following error occurred: “Error: Logged user has no access to the subscription”.
[-] IIS-based sites using MySQL were working very slowly.
[-] Users could not create a webspace on an already existing domain.
[-] The migration tool failed to update itself.
[-] Users could not migrate subscriptions from Plesk 11.5 to Parallels Plesk Automation 11.5. The following error occurred: “Line 177 error: Element ‘cron’, attribute ‘encoding’: The attribute ‘encoding’ is not allowed.”
[-] Users could not migrate subscriptions from Plesk for Linux to Parallels Plesk Automation, if the default Linux Shared Hosting service template was used. The following error occurred: “Mail content transfer from Qmail/Postfix to SmarterMail mail service is not supported. Assign this subscription to a service template which offers Postfix mail service.”
[-] Users could not migrate Microsoft SQL Server databases. The following error occurred: “Subscription is assigned to PPA service template <template name> that has no Microsoft SQL database service. Assign this subscription to a service template which offers Microsoft SQL database service.”
[-] Users could not migrate from Plesk for Windows to Parallels Plesk Automation. The following error occurred: [ERROR] check-infrastructure| Failed to check disk space requirements. Exception message: (u’Failed to detect Plesk virtual hosts directory, reg query output is incorrect: %s’, u’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control Session Manager\Environment plesk_vhosts REG_EXPAND_SZ D:\vhosts ‘)
[-] Migration from H-Sphere could fail even if there was a single subscription with issues.
[-] During migration from Expand, users failed to run the ppa-transfer check.
In the November 2013 survey we received responses from 785,293,473 sites, reflecting net growth of more than 18 million sites since last month.
Microsoft experienced the largest gains this month, with an additional 13.2 million sites taking its market share up by 1.15 percentage points. In contrast to recent trends, nginx’s market share fell by more […]
In the October 2013 survey we received responses from 767,234,152 sites, an increase of 28.2M. Apache experienced another significant loss, 1.8M hostnames, and saw its market share drop to 45% — the lowest it has been for over 15 years. The last time Apache’s market share stood at 45% was in January 1998, at which time […]
In the September 2013 survey we received responses from 739,032,236 sites, 22.2M more than last month. nginx gained 7.4M hostnames this month, and the web server is now used by more than 15% of the web. Within the Million Busiest websites, however, nginx’s market share dipped slightly but remains just under 15%. Seeking to capitalise on […]
Certificate revocation checking is an essential part of any connection to an SSL site; without it, an attacker can impersonate an SSL site with a compromised certificate until it expires of its own accord — an event which may be 5 years away — even if the issuer of the certificate (the certificate authority, or […]
In the June 2013 survey we received responses from 672,985,183 sites, 148k more than last month. Both Microsoft and Google grew slightly this month, gaining 0.5 percentage points of market share. Microsoft’s web server, IIS, now serves 17.22% of the world’s websites, down from a historic high of 37% which it reached in October 2007. Microsoft […]
The following bugs have been fixed:
[-] Subscriptions that included mail services were not properly removed from PPA.
[-] PPA removed the main license key when a license key for a service node was terminated by the Parallels licensing system.
[-] Administrators failed to add service nodes because PPA incorrectly selected an IP address for communications between the management node and service nodes.
[-] Administrators failed to back up customer accounts that had Windows-based hosting subscriptions.
[-] The ppa_mssql package was installed successfully, but the database server was not available for use.
[-] Administrators failed to correctly transfer subscriptions with web forwarding configurations from Plesk for Windows. They encountered the following errors in the console: “Error: Failed to work around IIS dedicated application pools problem. Exception: (‘Failed to %s IIS dedicated application pool, see debug log for more details’, ‘enable’)”
[-] Administrators could not transfer customer accounts from Plesk to PPA if the accounts were associated with a single e-mail address. The following error message was shown in the console: ” There are a number of accounts that are associated with the same e-mail. Change e-mails for the conflicting accounts.”
[-] Administrators failed to move subscription between nodes in case the subscription’s domain had the standard forwarding type. PPA raised an error like “Exception message: Command /usr/local/psa/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun with arguments …”.
[-] When transferring a domain alias with the switched off mail service to PPA, the PPA moving tools erroneously registered the alias on the SmarterMail service node.
[-] The PPA moving tools added the content of the default site template to all transferred subdomains. Thus, after the transfer, subdomain’s root directory contained not only its source content but the content of the PPA site template as well. This happened only when perfroming the transfer from Expand based on Plesk 8.
[-] The PPA moving tools failed to transfer subscriptions that belonged to resellers’ customers.
[-] In some cases, the www DNS records were not transferred to PPA from source Plesk Panel servers.
[-] The ppa-transfer tool failed to transfer subscriptions to PPA in case they were associated with the same system user. The tool raised an error like ” [ERROR] |copy-content| Failed to perform an action on subscription…”.
[-] The PPA moving tools failed to transfer domains to PPA in case that domains had IPv6 addresses only.
The following bug have been fixed:
[-] Domain has default SSL Certificate after backup restoring or migration
[-] plesksrv.exe may fails on high load
[-] HTTP traffic and web statistics are not calculated for IDN domains
[-] Migration fails if source server has primary network interface with inaccessible IP address
[-] websrvmng –reconfigure-all can’t restore Plesk Control Panel site on Windows 2008 R2
[-] Error “Version string portion was too short or too long” when backup clean server
[-] IIS logs for PleskControlPanel site stored only one day
[-] Wrong statistic calculating by Webalizer for domain with several aliases
Improvements were made to the Sever Administrator Interface, Website Owner Interface and to the product as a whole. Some Improvements to Sever Administrator Interface (SAI) include: Resellers can create IIS shared application pools with the new Application Pool Manager…
[-] (Windows only) During Parallels Plesk Panel operation Error 500 randomly occurs due to IIS application pool crash.
[-] (Windows only) Backup will be always failed when additional domain has mailing list.
[-] There is no able to set spam filter setting “Mark spam messages by adding the following text to message subject” empty, to don’t change subject of spam messages.
[-] (Windows only) During Parallels Plesk Panel operation Error 500 randomly occurs due to IIS application pool crash.
[-] (Windows only) Backup will be always failed when additional domain has mailing list.
[-] There is no able to set spam filter setting “Mark spam messages by adding the following text to message subject” empty, to don’t change subject of spam messages.
Plesk Migration Manager 1.13 for Plesk 8.4 for Windows is released.
This version includes the following features:
– remote migration agent for Helm 3.1.x, Helm 3.2.x, Helm 4
– remote migration agent for Ensim 3.6, Ensim 4.0, Ensim 5.0, Ensim 10.x,
– remote migration agent for IIS 5, IIS 6,
– E-Mail content migration agent,
– User Databases and ODBC Data Sources migration agent,
– DNS Settings migration agent,
– FTP content migration agent,
– remote migration agent from one Plesk for Windows installation to another,
– remote migration agent for Plesk for Unix version 2.5.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.1-8.4,
– remote migration agent for cPanel 9, 10, 11,
– remote migration agent for Ensim Pro for Linux.
The new feature is:
1. Migration to Plesk 8.4 for Windows.
Release notes:
PMM Guides: