Fraudsters have exploited a redirection vulnerability in a PayPal website in an attempt to steal Apple IDs. Phishing emails sent by the fraudster were disguised as receipts from the iTunes Store for expensive items, enticing victims to try to cancel the fake orders. The emails stated, "If you did not order the above products and […]
Posts Tagged OCSP
More than 80,000 SSL certificates were revoked in the week following the publication of the Heartbleed bug, but the certificate revocation mechanisms used by major browsers could still leave Internet users vulnerable to impersonation attacks. Little has changed since Netcraft last reported on certificate revocation behaviour. Why is revocation necessary?
The Heartbleed bug made it possible for […]
In the aftermath of Heartbleed, it has become clear that revoking potentially compromised certificates is essential. On Thursday, CloudFlare announced it was reissuing and revoking all of its SSL certificates. The effects of CloudFlare’s mass revocation are evident in a single Certificate Revocation List (CRL) belonging to GlobalSign, which grew by almost 134,000 certificates. […]
As the results of CloudFlare’s challenge have demonstrated, a server’s private key can be extracted using the Heartbleed vulnerability. Consequently, the 500,000+ certificates used on web servers supporting TLS heartbeat should be urgently replaced and revoked. Whilst the replacement and revocation process has begun — 80,000 certificates have been revoked since the announcement — it […]
Network Solutions allowed a fraudster to register a deceptive domain name earlier this week: Network Solutions also issued a valid SSL certificate for the domain, which was used for a phishing attack which targeted customers of Chase Bank. Phishing attack targeting Chase bank on The phishing site added further credibility to the attack by using […]
Certificate revocation checking is an essential part of any connection to an SSL site; without it, an attacker can impersonate an SSL site with a compromised certificate until it expires of its own accord — an event which may be 5 years away — even if the issuer of the certificate (the certificate authority, or […]
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Despite the inconsistent treatment of certificate revocation by browsers, providing reliable revocation information is an integral part of operating a trustworthy certificate authority (CA) and a well-accepted requirement of Mozilla’s CA root program. However, there are presently thousands of certificates in use which are irrevocable in some major browsers, and hundreds in those browsers which […]
In the May 2013 survey we received responses from 672,837,096 sites, which is 23.8M more than last month. Apache had the largest growth this month, gaining 28.3M websites and increasing its market share by 2.41 percentage points to 53.4%. The majority of this growth was attributable to Apache Traffic Server (ATS), which gained 28M websites and […]