The top five best web development YouTube Channels
The post The top five best web development YouTube Channels appeared first on Plesk.
The post The top five best web development YouTube Channels appeared first on Plesk.
More than 80,000 SSL certificates were revoked in the week following the publication of the Heartbleed bug, but the certificate revocation mechanisms used by major browsers could still leave Internet users vulnerable to impersonation attacks. Little has changed since Netcraft last reported on certificate revocation behaviour. Why is revocation necessary?
The Heartbleed bug made it possible for […]
In the aftermath of Heartbleed, it has become clear that revoking potentially compromised certificates is essential. On Thursday, CloudFlare announced it was reissuing and revoking all of its SSL certificates. The effects of CloudFlare’s mass revocation are evident in a single Certificate Revocation List (CRL) belonging to GlobalSign, which grew by almost 134,000 certificates. […]
Partly as a consequence of the US Government shutdown, there are presently more than two hundred .gov websites using expired SSL certificates. Although the shutdown is expected to be a short term measure, the widespread use of expired certificates on .gov sites may cause long term harm. The US Government is effectively training its citizens […]
At the start of the first US Government shutdown since 1996, an SSL certificate used on has expired. Issued by Go Daddy in September 2012, the SSL certificate for * and was used by Organizing for Action, a non-profit grassroots organisation aligned with Obama’s political policies. Whilst not directly associated with the US […]
Extended Validation, or EV, certificates are designed to provide evidence of a greater level of verification by the Certificate Authority of the legal identity of the company in control of the SSL certificate and domain name. By way of contrast, the most common type of certificate, domain-validated, only requires the CA to verify control of […]
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