In the January 2014 survey we received responses from 861,379,152 sites, an increase of 355,935 since last month. 2013 has been a year of significant change: the web has grown by more than one third, the importance of SSL has been highlighted by a series of spying revelations, Microsoft now power just below 30% of all […]
Archive for Web Server Survey
In the December 2013 survey we received responses from 861,023,217 sites, an increase of 75.7M since last month. For the third consecutive month Microsoft experienced the largest growth in web server market share; an additional 51M sites boosted its market share by almost 4 percentage points. Apache had the biggest loss in market share, despite seeing […]
In the November 2013 survey we received responses from 785,293,473 sites, reflecting net growth of more than 18 million sites since last month.
Microsoft experienced the largest gains this month, with an additional 13.2 million sites taking its market share up by 1.15 percentage points. In contrast to recent trends, nginx’s market share fell by more […]
In the October 2013 survey we received responses from 767,234,152 sites, an increase of 28.2M. Apache experienced another significant loss, 1.8M hostnames, and saw its market share drop to 45% — the lowest it has been for over 15 years. The last time Apache’s market share stood at 45% was in January 1998, at which time […]
[Read this article in English] 作为2012年度世界最大的贸易国,中国长期以来一直是一个劳动力和服务输出大国,即便是在信息技术领域,也和印度的差距越来越小。以亚马逊和DigitalOcean为代表的欧美云计算服务提供商的不断发展壮大,预示着云计算基础设施会成为一种商品,而那些最廉价的提供商则会逐渐受到用户的青睐。
中国网民数量在2013年6月达到了5.91亿,超越了美国和欧洲。把互联网应用和其他内容放在目标用户所在的国家可以有效缩短访问所需时间并提高访问稳定性,所以日益增加的网民数量对本国的互联网基础设施建设提出了要求。 中国云主机市场的极速发展 在过去一年,在中国大陆境内直接连接到国际互联网的Web服务器数量增长了8.3%,且绝大多数增长都来自于云主机市场。在直接连接到国际互联网的Web服务器数量方面,阿里云是目前中国最大的云主机提供商。特别值得一提的是,阿里云拥有的直接连接到国际互联网的Web服务器数量在2013年9月达到了17,934,比去年同期增长了6倍。放眼全球,其增长量仅次于云计算巨头亚马逊。 虽然中国的云计算基础设施建设尚处于起步阶段,但阿里云的未来还是很有希望的,因为它背靠着强大的阿里巴巴集团。阿里巴巴集团是中国拥有直接连接到国际互联网的Web服务器数量最多的公司,也是世界前30名之一,而且该集团旗下的淘宝网和阿里巴巴交易市场等电子商务平台早已在中国家喻户晓。在阿里巴巴集团直接连接到国际互联网的Web服务器当中,有92%来自于阿里云。 Metric
Sep 2012
Mar 2013
Jun 2013
Jul 2013
Aug 2013
Sep 2013 Hostnames
389,171 Active sites
150,089 Web-facing computers
17,934 Detailed view of Aliyun in terms of hostnames (web sites), active sites, and web-facing computers.
尽管中国云主机市场增长迅猛,但是Netcraft发现这些增长绝大多数都来自于面向中国本土市场的网站。把服务器尽可能安置在离终端用户较近的地方可以提高访问性能这一点在中国格外突出:可能是受到金盾工程(亦称中国防火长城)的影响,流入或流出中国大陆的网络数据有时候会很慢,不稳定,甚至被屏蔽。2013年9月,从阿里云连接到国际互联网的网站的域名有一半以上都在.cn顶级域下,有41%是.com,而在其他国家顶级域下的域名则非常少见。由此可推断,与亚马逊的全球化服务不同,阿里云目前还是比较局限于中国本土市场。 TLD share by domains of websites at Aliyun in September 2013 阻碍中国云服务全球的绊脚石 对于想吸引中国用户或访客的外国企业来说,使用中国境内的云主机是很有意义的,但是会遇到一些障碍。这些障碍也正解释了为什么中国云目前面向的主要还是本国用户且这种情况很可能还会持续一段时间: 和最廉价的外国云主机提供商相比,中国云主机提供商在价格和操作系统等配置选择的多样性上都没有优势。以阿里云为例,除非选择2核或4核的CPU,否则按量付费的云主机不支持Windows操作系统,而且其价格也不比那些更成熟的竞争对手便宜。最廉价的按量付费的阿里云主机为单核CPU,512M内存,1Mbps带宽,价格每小时0.27元(约合0.04美金),几乎是亚马逊最便宜的云主机价格的两倍,而配置相近的DigitalOcean云主机的价格仅为每小时0.007美金。但是,由于定价模式的差异,包年包月的阿里云主机在某些情况下会比包年包月的亚马逊或DigitalOcean更便宜。 从海外访问中国境内的网站有时不够顺畅 – 从英国发送到阿里云官方网站的数据包往返几乎要耗时半秒钟,而从美国访问的效果也没有好很多。在过去20天,有多达4%的来自荷兰的访问请求都以失败告终。 Performance of from a Netcraft performance collector located in the Netherlands 很多中国主机服务提供商只支持中文。以阿里云为例,无论是官方网站、控制面板还是技术支持,中文都是其唯一的语言。不过,亚马逊云对中文的支持也几乎一样有限 – 只有首页有中文版。 有些中国主机服务提供商只面向中国客户。例如:申请使用阿里云服务的用户必须要有一个中国的手机号来接收验证码以完成注册。按量付费的用户必须通过身份验证,而只有中国或个别亚太地区国家的公民或者中国的企业可以做这样的验证。想使用阿里云服务的客户还必须有一张与支付宝兼容的中国的银行卡。如果服务器需要通过域名访问,那么还必须在工信部备案,而这样的备案并不向外国企业开放。 这些障碍意味着中国的云主机服务目前还不太可能冲出中国,面向世界。但是,伴随着来自阿里云这样的本地提供商和微软、亚马逊这样的海外提供商之间的竞争,中国的云服务器数量很有可能会继续增长,来满足国内日益增多的需求。微软为了将其云主机服务打入中国市场,已经开始与中国的一家名为世纪互联的基础设施服务提供商进行合作,并且正在为中国市场定制极具竞争力的价格计划。也许通过这样的模式,其他外国企业(比如亚马逊)也可以将其云主机服务打入中国市场,不仅提供本地的数据中心,同时也争取在严格的监管环境下为中国客户提供支持。同样的,如果上述这些障碍能够在一定程度上得到解决,相信阿里云和其他中国云主机提供商也能够在国际大舞台上获得更多的市场份额。 Netcraft提供国际互联网基础设施方面的信息,包括主机服务提供商、网页技术等等。想了解更多关于云计算行业的信息,请访问。
China, the world’s largest trading nation in 2012, has long been a desirable location for outsourcing labour and services, even within the technology and IT sector where it is not far behind India. The growth of cloud computing providers in Europe and the United States — particularly Amazon and DigitalOcean — may foretell cloud computing […]
In the September 2013 survey we received responses from 739,032,236 sites, 22.2M more than last month. nginx gained 7.4M hostnames this month, and the web server is now used by more than 15% of the web. Within the Million Busiest websites, however, nginx’s market share dipped slightly but remains just under 15%. Seeking to capitalise on […]
In the August 2013 survey we received responses from 716,822,317 sites, an increase of 18 million. Based on the trends over the last six months, Netcraft expects to see 1 billion responsive sites within the next 18 months. Apache lost a significant amount of market share this month, tumbling by 5.23 percentage points. Its market share […]
In the July 2013 survey we received responses from 698,823,509 sites, an increase of 25.8M. Apache and nginx, both open source web servers, have lost market share this month whilst Microsoft gained significantly, up by 2.43 percentage points, to just shy of 20% of worldwide sites. For the second consecutive month, nginx is powering fewer sites […]
Cloud hosting startup DigitalOcean has grown extraordinarily over the past six months. In December 2012, DigitalOcean had just over 100 web-facing computers; in June 2013, Netcraft found more than 7,000. DigitalOcean provides SSD-backed virtual computers which are available by the hour. The cheapest droplet, as it refers to virtual computers, costs less than a cent […]
In the June 2013 survey we received responses from 672,985,183 sites, 148k more than last month. Both Microsoft and Google grew slightly this month, gaining 0.5 percentage points of market share. Microsoft’s web server, IIS, now serves 17.22% of the world’s websites, down from a historic high of 37% which it reached in October 2007. Microsoft […]
In September 2012 Netcraft reported that Amazon had become the largest hosting company in the world based on the number of web-facing computers. In the last eight months, the e-commerce company’s tally of web-facing computers has grown by more than a third, reaching 158k. The number of websites hosted on these computers has also increased, […]
In the May 2013 survey we received responses from 672,837,096 sites, which is 23.8M more than last month. Apache had the largest growth this month, gaining 28.3M websites and increasing its market share by 2.41 percentage points to 53.4%. The majority of this growth was attributable to Apache Traffic Server (ATS), which gained 28M websites and […]
In the April 2013 survey we received responses from 649,072,682 sites, 17.6M more than last month. This month, market leader Apache lost 9.9M sites, or 3 percentage points of market share. A major contributor to this loss was the movement of a large affiliate referral network consisting of around 8M sites now being served by nginx. […]
In the March 2013 survey we received responses from 631,521,198 sites.
Microsoft showed a noticeable gain of 9M sites this month, increasing its market share by 1.42 percentage points to 18.01%. Much of this growth was seen at
Go Daddy, which alone gained 2.6M sites powered by Microsoft web servers. Microsoft also fared well amongst the top […]
In the February 2013 survey we received responses from 630,795,511 sites. Both Apache and Microsoft IIS were used on fewer sites this month, losing more than five million hostnames between them. Conversely, nginx grew its market share to 12.85%, serving 1.4 million more hostnames than last month. Amongst the million busiest sites, nginx is now […]
In the January 2013 survey we received responses from 629,939,191 sites. Apache continued its decline in market share that began in mid-2012, now having 100 million fewer hostnames than in June 2012: it still retains a clear majority at 55.26% of the market. Both within the million busiest sites and on the internet as a whole, […]
In the December 2012 survey we received responses from 633,706,564 sites – an increase of over 8 million since November. Microsoft IIS experienced the largest gain this month, with the movement of an advertising network of 4.7M Apache hostnames to IIS 7.5 contributing to an overall 8.2M increase – their largest in over a year. […]
In the November 2012 survey we received responses from 625,329,303 sites, a modest increase of 4.8 million sites since last month’s survey.
In the October 2012 survey we received responses from 620,480,777 sites, an increase of 350K sites since last month’s survey.
In the September 2012 survey we received responses from 620,132,319 sites, a decrease of 8M sites since last month’s survey. A large portion of this drop was caused by a large network of linkfarmed domains disappearing from under the .com TLD, causing Apache numbers to suffer the most, with a loss of 10M sites. This resulted […]
In the August 2012 survey we received responses from 628,170,204 sites, a decrease of 38M sites since last month’s survey. Once again, this month’s drop comes as a result of improvements to the survey’s handling of wildcard hostnames, with over 40M hostnames on only 242 IP addresses being removed from the Survey. This has again […]
In the July 2012 survey we received responses from 665,916,461 sites, a decrease of 31M since last month. This drop comes as a result of the loss of a large number of wildcard hostnames with similar content at AmeriNOC (-30M), Axoft Group (-10M), and Tailor Made Servers (-8M). All of these sites were running Apache, […]
In the June 2012 survey we received responses from 697,089,482 sites, a growth of 5.1% or 34M sites since last month. All major web server vendors experienced an increase in hostnames this month. After a loss of 17.5M hostnames last month Apache saw the largest growth this month with an increase of 22.8M hostnames. The second […]
In the May 2012 survey we received responses from 662,959,946 sites, a decrease of 14M hostnames compared to last month, and the first drop we have observed in 22 months. The drop comes as a result of a loss of over 28M hostnames under the .info tld, hosted by Softlayer, on just 100 domains and […]
In the April 2012 survey we received responses from 676,919,707 sites, giving a rise of 32.6M hostnames (5.1%) since last month. Apache saw the largest growth (22.8M) and increased its market share to 65.5%. nginx, with the second largest growth (4.5M), increased its total to 69.9M. Microsoft had a greater increase in hostnames this month (+3.5M) […]
In the March 2012 survey we received responses from 644,275,754 sites, giving a rise of 31.4M hostnames (5.1%) since last month. Apache continued to gain hostnames this month with a growth of 22.5M and, contrary to last month, was able to increase its market share by a third of a percentage point. nginx had another good […]
In the February 2012 survey we received responses from 612,843,429 sites. Compared to January, this represents an increase of 30M hostnames or +5.2%. nginx was the only server to experience a non-negligible market share increase this month, gaining 0.27 percentage points. Apache did experience a growth of 19M hostnames, but its market share has remained […]
In the February 2012 survey we received responses from 612,843,429 sites. Compared to January, this represents an increase of 30M hostnames or +5.2%. nginx was the only server to experience a non-negligible market share increase this month, gaining 0.27 percentage points. Apache did experience a growth of 19M hostnames, but its market share has remained […]